Orange Cards
___ Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (SS/ST)
___ C-3PO
___ Darth Vader (SS/ST)
___ Han Solo
___ Luke Skywalker (LS/LT)
___ Luke Skywalker (SS/ST)
___ Princess Leia Organa (3 Rings)
___ R2-D2
___ Stormtrooper
___ Boba Fett (1/2 Circles) (.00)
___ Boba Fett (1/2 Circles) (.01)
___ Boba Fett (Full circles) (.01)
___ Lando Calrissian
___ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) (LS/LT) (.01)
___ Han Solo (Hoth Gear) (Open Hand)
___ Han Solo (Hoth Gear) (Closed Hand)
___ TIE Fighter Pilot (.00 no Warning Sticker)
___ TIE Fighter Pilot (.01 w/Warning Sticker)
___ Yoda (.00)
___ Yoda (.01)
___ Han Solo (in Carbonite Block) (.01)
___ Han Solo (with Carbonite Freezing Chamber) (.00)
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) (.00 Brown Vest / Indented Rings)
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) (.01 Black Vest / Raised Rings)
Collection 1
___ Death Star Gunner
___ Greedo
Collection 2
___ Jawas
___ Luke Skywalker (in Stormtrooper Disguise)
___ R5-D4
Purple Cards
___ Chewbacca in Bounty Hunter Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Dash Rendar (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Luke Skywalker in Imperial Guard Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Prince Xizor (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
Green Cards
Collection 1
___ C-3PO
___ Darth Vader
___ Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Death Star Gunner
___ Greedo
___ Sandtrooper
___ Bib Fortuna (.00)
___ Emperor Palpatine (.00)
___ Han Solo (in Endor Gear) (Brown Pants)
___ Rebel Fleet Trooper (.01)
___ Han Solo (in Bespin Gear)
___ Princess Leia Organa (as Jabba's Prisoner)
Collection 2
___ Yoda
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
___ Luke Skywalker (in Stormtrooper Disguise)
___ R5-D4 (No Warning Sticker / Straight Latch)
___ AT-ST Driver
___ Hoth Rebel Soldier
___ Luke Skywalker (in Hoth Gear)
___ Admiral Ackbar
___ Grand Moff Tarkin (.00)
___ Weequay Skiff Guard (.00)
___ Rebel Fleet Trooper (.00)
___ Saelt Marae
___ Luke Skywalker (in Ceremonial Outfit)
Collection 3
___ Darth Vader
___ Boba Fett
___ Weequay Skiff Guard
___ Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Snowtrooper
Freeze Frames
Collection 1
___ Han Solo
___ Luke Skywalker (in Stormtrooper Disguise)
___ Hoth Rebel Soldier
___ Han Solo (in Endor Gear)
___ Lando Calrissian (in Skiff Guard Disguise)
___ Rebel Fleet Trooper
___ Han Solo (in Bespin Gear)
___ Princess Leia Organa (as Jabba's Prisoner)
___ Luke Skywalker (in Ceremonial Outfit)
___ Endor Rebel Soldier
___ Lando Calrissian (in General's Gear)
___ Luke Skywalker (in Bespin Outfit)
___ Princess Leia (in Ewok Celebration Outfit)
___ C-3PO (with Removable Limbs)
___ Luke Skywalker (with Blast Shield)
___ Princess Leia (All New Likeness)
___ R2-D2 (with Tools)
___ Orrimaarko
Collection 2
___ Admiral Ackbar
___ Malakili
___ Nien Nunb
___ Saelt Marae
___ Ugnaughts
___ 8D8 Droid
___ Biggs Darklighter
Collection 3
___ Darth Vader
___ Emperor Palpatine
___ Garindan
___ Grand Moff Tarkin
___ Princess Leia (in Hoth Gear)
___ Ree-Yees
___ Death Star Trooper
Expanded Universe
___ Grand Admiral Thrawn
___ Imperial Sentinel
___ Luke Skywalker
___ Kyle Katarn
___ Darktrooper
___ Spacetrooper
___ Chewbacca (Hoth)
___ Aunt Beru
___ Anakin Skywalker
___ Greedo
___ Han Solo (Cantina)
___ Jawa (with Gonk Droid)
___ Luke Skywalker (with T-16 Skyhopper)
___ Darth Vader (with Interrogation Droid)
___ R2-D2 (with Holographic Leia)
___ Stormtrooper (with Battle Damage)
___ Princess Leia (with Sporting Blaster)
Exclusive Figures:
___ Cantina Band Member (Fan Club Exclusive)
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Spirit, Frito Lay Exclusive)
Cinema Scene Three-Packs:
___ Cantina Showdown (Dr. Evazan, Ponda Baba, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
___ Jabba's Guards (Klaatu, Barada, Nikto)
Shadows of the Empire Two-Packs:
___ Boba Fett vs. IG-88
___ Darth Vader vs. Prince Xizor
Vehicles, Playsets, Creatures, etc. :
___ Tatooine Skiff (Target Exclusive)
___ Imperial Speederbike (with Princess Leia Organa in Endor Gear)
___ Imperial Speederbike (with Luke Skywalker in Endor Gear)
___ Imperial Speederbike (with Scout Trooper)
___ Swoop (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Tauntaun (with Luke in Hoth Gear)
12" Line
___ Chewbacca (w/Fur)
___ Han Solo in Carbonite Block (Target Exclusive)
___ Han Solo in Endor Gear
___ Han Solo with Swinging Arm Action (European Exclusive)
-___ Luke Skywalker (Dark Blue/ Binocular on Belt)
Collection 1:
___ Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)
___ Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight)
___ Destroyer Droid (Battle Damaged)
___ Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp)
___ Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master)
Collection 2:
___ Queen Amidala (Battle)
Collection 3:
___ Boss Nass
___ Chancellor Valorum
___ Gasgano and Pit Droid
___ Ki-Adi-Mundi
___ Mace Windu
___ Captain Tarpals
___ Ody Mandrell with Otoga 222 Pit Droid
___ OOM-9
___ Adi Gallia
___ Darth Vader (Dagobah)
___ Han Solo (Bespin Capture)
___ K-3PO
___ Princess Leia Organa (Bespin Escape)
___ Sandtrooper
___ Shmi Skywalker
___ Boba Fett (300th) (First Version)
___ B-Wing (Target Exclusive)
Orange Cards
___ Luke Skywalker (Short Saber/Long Tray)
Green Cards
___ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
___ TIE Fighter Pilot
Purple Cards
___ Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Shadows of the Empire) Collection One Card .01
Freeze Frames
___ Captain Piett
___ Darth Vader (with Removable Helmet)
___ Ishi Tib
___ Zuckuss
___ Garindan
___ Sandtrooper
___ Weequay Skiff Guard
___ Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Snowtrooper
___ Gamorrean Guard
Expanded Universe
___ Clone Emperor
___ Mara Jade
___ Princess Leia Organa Solo
12" Collector Series:
___ Dewback with Sandtrooper (TRU Exclusive)
___ Hong Kong Commemorative Limited Edition 3-pack
___ Luke Skywalker with Swinging Action (European Exclusive)
___ Snowtrooper (Blue Chestplate)
___ Yoda (w/EP I Logo)
___ R2-B1 (loose complete with commchip)
___ TC-14 (loose complete with commchip)
Epic Force
___ Qui-Gon Jinn
12" Collector Series:
___ Anakin Skywalker w/Hanger Droid
___ Boss Nass
Please e-mail with offers : iamfavre@yahoo.com
Orange Cards
___ Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (SS/ST)
___ C-3PO
___ Darth Vader (SS/ST)
___ Han Solo
___ Luke Skywalker (LS/LT)
___ Luke Skywalker (SS/ST)
___ Princess Leia Organa (3 Rings)
___ R2-D2
___ Stormtrooper
___ Boba Fett (1/2 Circles) (.00)
___ Boba Fett (1/2 Circles) (.01)
___ Boba Fett (Full circles) (.01)
___ Lando Calrissian
___ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) (LS/LT) (.01)
___ Han Solo (Hoth Gear) (Open Hand)
___ Han Solo (Hoth Gear) (Closed Hand)
___ TIE Fighter Pilot (.00 no Warning Sticker)
___ TIE Fighter Pilot (.01 w/Warning Sticker)
___ Yoda (.00)
___ Yoda (.01)
___ Han Solo (in Carbonite Block) (.01)
___ Han Solo (with Carbonite Freezing Chamber) (.00)
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) (.00 Brown Vest / Indented Rings)
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) (.01 Black Vest / Raised Rings)
Collection 1
___ Death Star Gunner
___ Greedo
Collection 2
___ Jawas
___ Luke Skywalker (in Stormtrooper Disguise)
___ R5-D4
Purple Cards
___ Chewbacca in Bounty Hunter Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Dash Rendar (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Luke Skywalker in Imperial Guard Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Prince Xizor (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
Green Cards
Collection 1
___ C-3PO
___ Darth Vader
___ Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Death Star Gunner
___ Greedo
___ Sandtrooper
___ Bib Fortuna (.00)
___ Emperor Palpatine (.00)
___ Han Solo (in Endor Gear) (Brown Pants)
___ Rebel Fleet Trooper (.01)
___ Han Solo (in Bespin Gear)
___ Princess Leia Organa (as Jabba's Prisoner)
Collection 2
___ Yoda
___ Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)
___ Luke Skywalker (in Stormtrooper Disguise)
___ R5-D4 (No Warning Sticker / Straight Latch)
___ AT-ST Driver
___ Hoth Rebel Soldier
___ Luke Skywalker (in Hoth Gear)
___ Admiral Ackbar
___ Grand Moff Tarkin (.00)
___ Weequay Skiff Guard (.00)
___ Rebel Fleet Trooper (.00)
___ Saelt Marae
___ Luke Skywalker (in Ceremonial Outfit)
Collection 3
___ Darth Vader
___ Boba Fett
___ Weequay Skiff Guard
___ Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Snowtrooper
Freeze Frames
Collection 1
___ Han Solo
___ Luke Skywalker (in Stormtrooper Disguise)
___ Hoth Rebel Soldier
___ Han Solo (in Endor Gear)
___ Lando Calrissian (in Skiff Guard Disguise)
___ Rebel Fleet Trooper
___ Han Solo (in Bespin Gear)
___ Princess Leia Organa (as Jabba's Prisoner)
___ Luke Skywalker (in Ceremonial Outfit)
___ Endor Rebel Soldier
___ Lando Calrissian (in General's Gear)
___ Luke Skywalker (in Bespin Outfit)
___ Princess Leia (in Ewok Celebration Outfit)
___ C-3PO (with Removable Limbs)
___ Luke Skywalker (with Blast Shield)
___ Princess Leia (All New Likeness)
___ R2-D2 (with Tools)
___ Orrimaarko
Collection 2
___ Admiral Ackbar
___ Malakili
___ Nien Nunb
___ Saelt Marae
___ Ugnaughts
___ 8D8 Droid
___ Biggs Darklighter
Collection 3
___ Darth Vader
___ Emperor Palpatine
___ Garindan
___ Grand Moff Tarkin
___ Princess Leia (in Hoth Gear)
___ Ree-Yees
___ Death Star Trooper
Expanded Universe
___ Grand Admiral Thrawn
___ Imperial Sentinel
___ Luke Skywalker
___ Kyle Katarn
___ Darktrooper
___ Spacetrooper
___ Chewbacca (Hoth)
___ Aunt Beru
___ Anakin Skywalker
___ Greedo
___ Han Solo (Cantina)
___ Jawa (with Gonk Droid)
___ Luke Skywalker (with T-16 Skyhopper)
___ Darth Vader (with Interrogation Droid)
___ R2-D2 (with Holographic Leia)
___ Stormtrooper (with Battle Damage)
___ Princess Leia (with Sporting Blaster)
Exclusive Figures:
___ Cantina Band Member (Fan Club Exclusive)
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Spirit, Frito Lay Exclusive)
Cinema Scene Three-Packs:
___ Cantina Showdown (Dr. Evazan, Ponda Baba, Obi-Wan Kenobi)
___ Jabba's Guards (Klaatu, Barada, Nikto)
Shadows of the Empire Two-Packs:
___ Boba Fett vs. IG-88
___ Darth Vader vs. Prince Xizor
Vehicles, Playsets, Creatures, etc. :
___ Tatooine Skiff (Target Exclusive)
___ Imperial Speederbike (with Princess Leia Organa in Endor Gear)
___ Imperial Speederbike (with Luke Skywalker in Endor Gear)
___ Imperial Speederbike (with Scout Trooper)
___ Swoop (Shadows of the Empire)
___ Tauntaun (with Luke in Hoth Gear)
12" Line
___ Chewbacca (w/Fur)
___ Han Solo in Carbonite Block (Target Exclusive)
___ Han Solo in Endor Gear
___ Han Solo with Swinging Arm Action (European Exclusive)
-___ Luke Skywalker (Dark Blue/ Binocular on Belt)
Collection 1:
___ Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)
___ Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Knight)
___ Destroyer Droid (Battle Damaged)
___ Jar Jar Binks (Naboo Swamp)
___ Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Master)
Collection 2:
___ Queen Amidala (Battle)
Collection 3:
___ Boss Nass
___ Chancellor Valorum
___ Gasgano and Pit Droid
___ Ki-Adi-Mundi
___ Mace Windu
___ Captain Tarpals
___ Ody Mandrell with Otoga 222 Pit Droid
___ OOM-9
___ Adi Gallia
___ Darth Vader (Dagobah)
___ Han Solo (Bespin Capture)
___ K-3PO
___ Princess Leia Organa (Bespin Escape)
___ Sandtrooper
___ Shmi Skywalker
___ Boba Fett (300th) (First Version)
___ B-Wing (Target Exclusive)
Orange Cards
___ Luke Skywalker (Short Saber/Long Tray)
Green Cards
___ Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)
___ TIE Fighter Pilot
Purple Cards
___ Princess Leia in Boushh Disguise (Shadows of the Empire) Collection One Card .01
Freeze Frames
___ Captain Piett
___ Darth Vader (with Removable Helmet)
___ Ishi Tib
___ Zuckuss
___ Garindan
___ Sandtrooper
___ Weequay Skiff Guard
___ Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Snowtrooper
___ Gamorrean Guard
Expanded Universe
___ Clone Emperor
___ Mara Jade
___ Princess Leia Organa Solo
12" Collector Series:
___ Dewback with Sandtrooper (TRU Exclusive)
___ Hong Kong Commemorative Limited Edition 3-pack
___ Luke Skywalker with Swinging Action (European Exclusive)
___ Snowtrooper (Blue Chestplate)
___ Yoda (w/EP I Logo)
___ R2-B1 (loose complete with commchip)
___ TC-14 (loose complete with commchip)
Epic Force
___ Qui-Gon Jinn
12" Collector Series:
___ Anakin Skywalker w/Hanger Droid
___ Boss Nass
Please e-mail with offers : iamfavre@yahoo.com