Potj: Last Wave. Detailed Pictures And Review

Ishi Tib

New Recruit
Hello guys,
as life itself, everything has a beginning and everything has an end. and so it is the end for Power of the Jedi, a line in which Hasbro improved incredibly on the sculpts and details and offered us more obscure characters.

The line now coming to an end and giving way to the unified Star Wars line, brought us great toys including vehicles such as the new redesigned Y-wing and the upcoming Tie Bomber as well as great introductions to the modern plastic world of characters such the Biker Scout, Sandtrooper, Imperial Officer and Amanaman.

Making use one more time of what has been a main concern for Hasbro with this line since its beginning, the collectors, the last wave offered sporting the Power of the Jedi logo, gives us a chance at three characters which many of us claimed for years: Boshek, a great addition to any Cantina diorama , R4-M9 and mouse droid, and Teebo the Ewok.. we can always use more of these little fury balls, right?

I would like to thank Dave from www.dnstoys.com for providing with this last POTJ wave, the figures we will be reviewing next. As usual I truly recommend you, when hunting for the latest toys, to use D & S Toys, a respectful and very serious merchant.

Well, on with the review of this last trio.
We will get up close and personal discussing presentation, accessories/sculpt and articulation

All three cards, as usual by now, have a printed on picture of the character on the front as well as a second one on the back along with a short bio. All three characters BoShek, Teebo and R4-M9 are picture on all three cards with the inclusion of a forth, Eeth Koth.

Here is the production number for each figure:

<center>BOSHEK: PN 6098590700</center>
<center>R4-M9: PN 6098590800</center>
<center>TEEBO: PN609890600</center>

NOTE:To clarify any doubts anyone might have, although the upcoming Sneak Peek figures are placed in green and yellow starburst cards, they DO NOT have the Power of the Jedi words written on them, thus this wave being reviewed here is the last from this line.


ACCESSORIES AND SCULPT: The smuggler comes accessorized with a removable helmet and a gun which can be easily placed in the holster on his left leg at knee level.

Boshek's helmet unlike many of the other pilots we've seen in plastic, is one solid piece and does not have any transparency on its visor. The helmet fits him nice and tight and can be removed with ease

Under the helmet, BoShek has been precisely sculpted offering a great likeness to the actual character in the film and, those long sideburns are a definite throwback to the glamorous 70's

The black and white pilot's outfit the figure wears, although very close in likeness to that of Bosk's, it is a completely new design. No doubt this is not a resculpt nor previous parts have been used to create this figure.

The outfit is very well crafted, specially around the waist and chest area where the belt, buckle and other gadgetry have been finely painted and the addition of the holster as part of his gear, is a a great feature.

ARTICULATION: Boshek is articulated at:

Head, shoulders, elbow (right arm only), waist and legs.

The figure has been well balanced, being able to have him standing up nice and easy without the need of a stand.

The articulation on his left elbow allows him to hold his helmet against his chest ALA "pilot style" but it is this feature also the only downside with this figure. The upper part of the arm was sculpted out further away from the torso to allow for the helmet to be held; his arm definitely looks strangely posed when not holding the helmet.

A great figure nevertheless..


ACCESSORIES AND SCULPT: This multiple use droid comes accessorized with a mouse droid exactly as the one which was earlier offered with the Death Star Droid.

A nice feature the figure presents is the oversized clear plastic panel at the very top its dome, whichs allows for more light to get in, giving its green eye the illusion to be turned on.

Overall the figure has been detailed nicely on vibrant silver and green colors

ARTICULATION: R4-M9 is articulated at:

Dome, "shoulders", "feet" as well as a retractable center leg and its "foot"

The center and retractable leg on this figure extends out further than any of the other previous astromech droids offered and can be pushed back inside its body easily.

The articulated dome, as usual with these droids, makes a clicking sound every time it is rotated.

Its peculiar cone shaped dome and colors make this new droid stand out looking good.

NOTE: There is a variation on this figure already. PN 6098590800 can be found with a printed on or a warning sticker. I can personally testify to that as I have both versions. Obviously, the warning sticker version was the first one to come out. Will it be the hardest to find? only time will tell..


ACCESSORIES AND SCULPT: The Ewok is nicely accessorized wearing on his head a horned half-skull decorated with feathers nicely sculpted which could be removed, showing Teebo's completely finished head sculpt underneath. This is a little time consuming, but it can be done.

Teebo comes also accessorized with a spear, made out of a sturdy plastic, perfectly straight and easy to place in his hands.

From his shoulders two removable crossed straps hang, one with a knife, one with a cone shaped object ?...Ewok Horn

The light and dark striped fur on his body has been nicely painted. Teebo's face has been detailed and painted very meticulously down to the shine of his eyes and the white of his teeth

ARTICULATION: Teebo is articulated at:

Head (limited), shoulders, wrists and legs

The articulation on Teebo's wrists is a great addition and something new never offered with the previous Ewoks. Needless to say such feature allows him to hold the spear "with grace"

NOTE:One thing to notice about this figure sculpt is the lack of peg holes, perhaps a mistake by Hasbro which might be later on corrected

Now, scroll down the page, and take a look at the detailed pictures of "The Last of the Jedi".

Until next time,


Ishi Tib

New Recruit


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Ishi Tib

New Recruit


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Ishi Tib

New Recruit


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Ishi Tib

New Recruit


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hey J...nice pics (you scooped me again :cool: )

I posted carded front and back in the sith channel.

anyway. The cone shaped thing in teebo is probably something like a "powder horn" (except we dont see ewoks using guns???) Maybe they drink from them?

My r4m9 came with a sticker (and dammit its crooked)... if there is such a thing as a printed warning (yes i believe you) i bet the sticker is going to be more "rare" unless the sticker covers some kind of error on the printed warning. What do you think?

these figures do look great! And yes, Id recommend Dave too!


New Recruit

Hey Guys This Is Jedi Mike over Artoosnews.com and I hate to be the one to tell you but that "power Horn" (sorry had to chuckle a little) is really The Horn that the Ewoks use to summon one another. Great example is a little scene in ROTJ where an Ewok uses it to summon the others to join the Battle On Endor. Just wanted to clear that up for you.


New Recruit

I just can't wait for the Boshek figure. Ever since I saw it over at hasbro's site, I've always wanted it! :)

Ishi Tib

New Recruit
Well, now that the cone shaped object has been identified as the Ewok Horn, we can safely say that my second thought about the object being some sort of cantine containing some kind of 100% proof Endorian beverage for those lonely Ewok nights is out of the question ... Yup, I can hear it now! ... Let's summon one another :)
Seriously folks, this Ewok figure is the best sculpt of this species given to us yet...Let's wait and see what Paploo looks like, you know the one with the Speeder Bike and the At-St vehicle


sorry typo...powder horn...not power horn...

and something like that wouldnt resonate enough to make a sound...but anyway :guns:


Actually watch Jedi just as the Ewoks join the battle of Endor. You hear a loud call through a horn, and seconds later hundreds of Ewoks pop their heads up. What made the sound? A little cone shaped object very similar to Teebo's accessory here. Remember, in George Lucas' world, things don't have to work for real, they just have to look good.
