Christmas Giveaway #1


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Staff member

The Christmas Giveaways have begun. Over the next several days, I will be searching under the TBS Christmas Tree for special gifts to giveaway. Be sure to check back often and enter for your chance to win.


Our first giveaway is a POTJ Scout Trooper autographed by Lightning Bear. Lightning Bear is well known for his stunt work in major Hollywood movies including all three original Star Wars films. You can read our interview with Lightning Bear HERE

Click Here to enter​


Senior Moderator
Staff member
To enter, reply to this thread and tell us what your favorite Star Wars Christmas gift has been. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Christmas Day.


New Recruit
I remember one year I got about twenty or so carded figures. I didn't open tham all at once but spread them throughout the day. Felt like a kid again:)


Mine would have to be Jango Fett's Slave I That my grandma got for $5.00 in the box!!



Sith Hamsters Handler
MMMM.. I got most of my SW stuff on Christmas, so it is hard to choose just one.

But thinking it all over a lot I have to say a Remote-Control R2-D2. I don't remember the year. It was from my Grandparents.


a.k.a. Darth Kraam
It was many years ago. I was about 9 or 10 (i'm now 31) and my mum and dad got me the imperial shuttle.Mum had been looking for the falcon but had no luck searching all over sydney.

So that shuttle still sits high on my favs list, and it also survived a house fire 10 years ago to...
1980 - Hoth Han Solo. First Star Wars toy ever. Not the best compared to some but it's the one that got my "little problem" started.


Jedi Healer
I think it was 1994, I got the original X-wing game for the PC that I thought was way ahead of its time paving the way for Tie Fighter, etc....

Loved it so much it caused a problem for me during my studying in college. Hehe. But that game by far was the best Star Wars Xmas gift for me.

Darth Boru

Celtic Sith
I think it was around 1980....possibly a year or 2 earlier. I got a set of mini-rigs vehicles that were not in the movies, but fit the 3.75" figs, plus a bunch of figures. Happy days!
it would be a puzzle of the empire strikes back as it was the last christmas gift i got grom my mom she passes away 4 months after that christmas