084 - Paul Weston (Vedain - Nikto Skiff Pilot)

Vader Nation

Sith in Canada


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Red Squadron


Mr. Weston signed 3 CCGs for me! he even included a signed fan days trading card. very cool success!

I used the Equity address. Neither Spotlight nor Elliot agency seem to pass on my letters =(. I might need to call them... anyone else having problems there too?

Equity always does pass on my mails =)

took around 45 days.

Side information: The fan days trading card I recieved back displays the character "Vizam" (Nikto using the cannon to shoot at the skiffs), but it says -Paul Weston as Vedain- on the card. Vedain is one of the skiff pilots. Both characters got named by decipher for their trading card game. SWAD has Mr. Weston as having played both. In any case I got both character's trading cards signed, so I'm on the save side :p

Thank you, Mr. Weston!


Wow. :eek: Finally received a reply from Actor/Stuntman Paul Weston today!! I’ve had this request out since July 2007! :D I never thought I’d get this back as so many people have sent items after me and gotten replies since then. I’m pretty sure I only sent him this one request, but in my log book I have it marked down as sending him only two 4x6 photos, but what I got today was three signed custom cards that I must have made for him and forgot to mark those down as well. No sign of the 4x6 photos, but he did include a small official pix autograph card that was signed!! :D Goes to show that patience does pay off sooner or later or in this case MUCH LATER. This officially marks my longest wait ever for a reply back TTM. ;)


4x6 Custom cards:

OPX Fan Days Card:

Sent: July 3rd 2007
Replied: April 12th 2010
Days Taken: 1,015

Address Used: (Have no idea if address is still valid or not)

Paul Weston
C/o The Spotlight,
7 Leicester Place,
United Kingdom
