Dark Lord of the Typos
Mr. Mustoo has been involved in numerous theater and writing projects. He appeared in The Lost Prince and Conspiracy, in addition to That Peter Kay Thing and Magicians in Love. He has written Sherlock Holmes and the Deerstalker, a musical stage play, George and the Dragon, and The Shakespearian Play House. He also finds time to work as a children's entertainer. Mr. Mustoo played a Star Destroyer Technician in The Empire Strikes Back, appearing in the right crew pit, and also to the side speaking with an officer as Darth Vader walks past. He also played an A-Wing Pilot in Return of the Jedi, appearing in the rebel briefing scene. He is the third pilot standing on the top row.
You can check out Mr. Mustoo’s IMDB filmography here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1142212//
His official site is: http://www.terencemustoo.com/
Mr. Mustoo has been making convention appearances, and has recently signed through the mail. He signed and inscribed items sent to him. I’m hoping to achieve the same result myself.
Terence Mustoo
c/o 10 Dee Close,
Essex RM14 1QD
United Kingdom
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