Search results

  1. J

    Star Wars Model Kits

    I wasn't sure if this was already mentioned here but for those who are interested, RPC (or AMT/ERTL) is re-releasing most of their old kits (for better or worse). But, they are also releasing three new kits for Episode III. You can go here for a listing with the 3 new toolings already listed...
  2. J

    Tiny man trapped in modelmaking horror!!

    Here goes....I quoted the message by the author of the post. He is the one who discovered it after studying photos he took of the SSD. This guy may be the first to have discovered this. I dunno. BTW, if you like sculpting or would like see the work of sculptors who have probably...
  3. J

    Tiny man trapped in modelmaking horror!!

    Just thought I'd share this. Pretty neat. UPDATE Doh, didn't realize you had to register to view. It was basically a tiny doll arm stuck to the model of the Super Star Destroyer used in ESB, more than likely an in-joke by the...
  4. J

    joewhite's collection

    Here are pics of my collection at it's prime. Most of that stuff has since been sold :crying:! Man do I miss all that! My Old SW Collection Joe
  5. J


    Hello all! It's been a while since I have been in TheBothan and it's good to be back! Just got busy with my work/school life. Unfortunately, I got out of collecting figs about a year ago (still many for sale). But I did get back into my other passion....building stuff. Models...
  6. J

    Happy Birthday Joe White

    Well, I know I've been away for some time and this is coming just a tad late but THANKS!!!!! It's always good to be remembered! :)
  7. J

    Original Trilogy Petition

    POSSIBLE SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE NEW VERSIONS If I may take up some space... As bad as my stomach cringed after discovering that the DVD's would not be the OT unaltered...I was surprised to realize that they weren't that bad. Sure, Greedo still shoots, which by the way is a...
  8. J

    Links to Clone Wars cartoons

    Man!!! I just got around to watching all the new episodes. I just gotta say that the last four (17-19) had me on the edge of my seat more that Attack of the Clones did! Great job by that Samurai Jack creator! And I doubted bad!!!! But, I still don't understand (or should I say haven't...
  9. J


    Great buyer!!! No hassles whatsoever! I would definitely like to do business again! Thanks James!!!!!
  10. J

    Collection For Sell UPDATED

    Darth Aussie, Nightgwing and Chris've all been PMed, thanks!!!
  11. J

    Collection For Sell UPDATED

    Jedi Dan, yeah, I still have those two figures. Sending PM.
  12. J


    Sorry for the lack of a haves list but I am looking to trade for complete Star Wars model kits. LMK what you need and I'll let you know if I have it and will send pics if you like. Thanks!!!
  13. J

    The Matrix sequels fall short

    Doh! Wow, for some reason I thought theat Joel guy directed it! I read an article sometime back in February and it mentioned that he was involved. I guess I read wrong somewhere. But the feel of the movie was what further led me to believe that he directed the sequels. Of course now I...
  14. J

    The Matrix sequels fall short

    I think the main reason the sequels stank was because of the new director...what's his name? IMO, it was like a young kid being handed a BB Gun. This guy went nuts with it (the movies)! Did you have enough slow-motion shots, Mr. Director? I mean, the characters couldn't even take a step without...
  15. J

    Scratch-Built SW Models

    While searching the internet for SW and other sci-fi models I ran across the following website. This guy scratch-builds all his Star Wars ships, moisture vaporators and even the Death Star! If you haven't seen this site you should check it out. Oh, and if anybody here likes building SW...
  16. J

    $1000 Shopping Spree

    I'd buy one of those Stormtrooper suits with voice and all. And I remember seeing a cool lightsaber at a show in Dallas. It's a neon light in a hard plastic case with a real hilt. You can bang this sword on anything or actually duel with a friend and not break it. They are awesome!!! I'd buy...
  17. J

    It's a Boy!

    Looks like Santa brought your X-Mas present early! Congratulations!!!!
  18. J

    Fashion Police!

    Wow and wow!
  19. J

    [Off Topic] How to deal with junk mail (snail, not 'e')

    You know, I even thought of doing the above...sending your junk email back to them. I was shredding all my mail the other day and almost sent each shredded letter back in the return envelopes. I would have done it but I ran out of time and had to go to work. But it will be done before...
  20. J

    [Off Topic] How to deal with junk mail (snail, not 'e')

    Not yet. It hasn't been too long sonce I set it up and it might be a few weeks before I start noticing results. But I will post my results when I see a significant change.