Tiin's 3 ¾” Haves / Wants


New Recruit

Watto MOC - pending
Lott Dodd MOC - pending
Tusken Raider w/ Massif MOC
Ki-Adi-Mundi MOC
Count Dooku MOC (card is in EXCELLENT condition)
Chewbacca Cloud City Capture MOC
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (card is not mint)

Jabba The Hutt's Dancers Cinema Scene - Box is not mint, but close

Episode I
I have an unopened Armored Scout Tank, the original version with only the Battle Droid visible in the window, before they released the version with the window that showed the tank. The box has a couple of dings on the top back corners.

Sith Speeder (MIMB)

Two carded Sith Accessory packs.


Attack Of The Clones promotional Count Dooku cereal lightsaber pen

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader Action Masters from Kenner, 1994, die cast metal collectible figures. Each one is still on the card, and comes with a trading card. The cards are shelf worn, but still in one piece.

Micro Machines Episode I Podrace Arena

Carded wants:

Saga (MOMC)
Ephant Mon
Padmé Amidala droid factory chase
Obi-Wan Kenobi Acklay battle
Mace Windu arena confrontation
Clone Trooper Pilot
Destroyer Droid
Darth Tyranus Geonosian Escape
Yoda Jedi Council
Eeth Koth
Imperial Officer
Rebel Trooper
Wuher w/ Cantina
Kitik Keed'lak w/ Cantina
Dr. Evazan w/ Cantina
Death Star trash compactor scenes
Darth Tyranus w/ speeder
Deluxe Clone Trooper with Speeder Bike
Anakin Skywalker w/ Swoop Bike
Deluxe Anakin w/ Force Flipping Action
Deluxe Geonosian
Endor and Arena Target exclusive accessory sets

Darth Maul / Darth Vader 3 ¾” Masters Of The Dark Side two-pack. (MOMC)

Episode I
Yoda w/ "Episode I" printed on front of card (MOMC)

Yoda (both versions, orange or green card for first version)
Tie Fighter Pilot
Lak Sivrak
Captain Piett
Wicket and Logray
AT-AT Driver
Admiral Motti
Death Star Escape Cinema Scene
Mynock Hunt Cinema Scene
Final Jedi Duel Cinema Scene

My e-mail is saesee_tiin_jedi_master@hotmail.com or saesee_tiin@footballgiants.com, or feel free to send me a private message here on the forums. For anyone that is interested, I can always take pics of any items on my haves list. On most sites (including alltroops.com), I am registered as Saesee Tiin, though that screen name was already registered here.