Target Heads Up


New Recruit
After calling a Target in my area, I was told by a toy department employee that August 3rd they would be receiving newer toys for their new setup and in conjuntion with their ongoing Back to School drive.
He sounded pretty definite and when I asked him about the Star Wars section, he mentioned that the empty pegs would surely get filled.
So, if your Target has yet to see newer stock, Monday might be a good day to check them out. I can't say this is true for every Target in America, but it's definitely worth a try!
Good luck!!


New Recruit
Doh! Man, that bites! You know, that's usually the answer I get, too. I find that most of the time it's easy to tell when someone doesn't know what they are talking about. But the guy from the toy dept. that I talked to sounded very sure of what he was saying. He answered my questions pretty much before I asked them and before I really mentioned Star Wars. So, we'll see. Hopefully he is right!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
I checked two targets this morning .... One had restocked the Aayla/Barris wave and the other had the new Gold card Luke, Vader, 3PO, Jango and Snowtrooper as well as the crappy R2, Hoth Han and Chewie.