storing figures

I just went through every collectors nightmare - the way i stored my mint figures did not work. I had my figures put away in an upright position in the 30 gallon plastic containers but some of them are bending. I need ideas on how to properly store my collection. I dont have enough money to buy star cases for each and every one of my figures. Any suggestions will be welcomed, but the cheaper the better. Please leaves ides in this post. Thank you


Dark Lord of the Typos
I would buy star cases for any of your very valuble figures, particularly ones that are hard to replace, or just plain expensive. Many dealers sell them at very reasonable bulk discounts in dutch auctions on ebay.

That having been said, I have a few ideas for you, that aren't too expensive.

1) Bankers boxes. You can buy them just about anywhere, especailly office supply stores, and they're fairly cheap. They hold quite a few carded figures (20+, stood upright, depending on the size of the bubbles). Like figures store best together since they have similar sized/shaped bubbles and can face alternate directions to fit the most in the box. Bankers boxes are easy to acrry, they stack well,a nd are sturdy so long as you don't put heavy items on top of leight-weight boxes. Five boxes cost maybe $5. Prices vary depending on sales. They also come in a legal size, that is very long, but akward to use. This size actually holds a b-wing fighter.

One downside to bankers boxes is that now days, the lids have a very short (one inch) lip, so they do not stay on as well as they used to, and probably need taping is they are going to be moved a lot. Older boxes had a two-inch lip that wasn't going anywhere.

2) Comic boxes. They come in long or short boxes (you can also get magazine width boxes too). Available at your local comic shop for between $4-$8 a box. They are more sturdy than bankers boxes, but a little more akwardly shaped.

3. Sterilite plastic (rubbermaid-like) containers. These are available at Walmart and other places. The ones I use are about 12" tall, and are maybe 12" X 7". They are clear plastic, with a colored (usually blue) lid that snaps on top. These are nice becase they absolutely will not crush, have a carrying handle, and are see-through. However, they do not hold many figures, no more than, 10-12 POTF2 figures, probably 4-5 Saga. I used then when I only had a few carded figures, but then I switched to bankers boxes. I still use them to hold other things, including my Cinema Scene cardboard backdrops. I believe they cost $3-4 each. They are big enough to hold 4 figures in Star Cases.

Anyway, I recommend bankers boxes for ease of use and cost effectiveness, but any of the above would get the job done.


I'm currently using option 2 myself.

Comic boxes (the long box as opposed to the short box) are easy to store and carry ... and the figures do fit nicely ... especially the saga line .... I haven't had any problems yet with the cards bending ... and if you're careful, the saga line can be stacked in a row, with a second row stored upside down on top of the bottom row without the card getting dinged up.

They are more expensive than bankers boxes though as Darthskelington mentioned.

An additional advantage is that if you can eventually afford to put all your figs into star cases, they will also fit in the boxes so they won't get wasted!
How many figures do you have and how much space for storing?

I use the nice little cardboard boxes that we get our chicken breasts in. They are a little wider than carded figures and lay two in a box facing eachother. I then place them horizontally in photocopy paper boxes (same as a bankers box) because I get them free at work.

Store in a dry dark place.;)