Revenge of the Sith Changes

Buzz Bumble

Furry Ewok
From ...

Revenge of the Sith Changes
Anyone who has followed the Star Wars prequels knows that George Lucas changes his films up to the last possible minute. (Ask anyone who happened to see an accidentally released Episode I print where Darth Maul fell down the shaft in one piece.) Revenge of the Sith is no exception. Changes are still being made, so if you've already spoiled yourself with the comic or novelization, a source lets us know of a few things you'll find different in the film.

During the childbirth, the lower half of Padme's body is now covered by some device (added digitally). Thus the scene is now inconsistent with what you see in the books, older stills etc...

Padme's last words are changed and her funeral is now even longer. There are more mourners (mostly human) and we see that she holds in her hand that wooden thing Anakin gave her in Episode 1.​

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