r2dtoys Newsletter


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Staff member

Sorry for SUCH a long delay in talking to all of you, a lot of good and bad things happened this week !
First we had a great Memorabilia !

Thanks to all of you who came to see us !
Second, we had a robbery at our storage unit and this has damaged some stock levels (hence a 2-day backlog updating stock etc on the website). We did manage to recover 75% of what was stolen....but there are some irreplaceable items missing ! But thanks to some intuition, and a good friend, we were lucky to save many items.
Please remember that we have a free REX figure from Star Tours to give away this month ! Please see our front page for full details. We have a free giveaway EVERY month....

Holiday figure set R2-D2 & C-3PO BR>All 3 (wave 1) Star Tours droids each
Kotobukiya Darth Vader ($98)
Kotobukiya Clone Trooper ($83)
Clone Trooper Pilot R>Unleashed Mace Windu & Darth Tyranus set !!!
Deluxe Yoda 0
Endor Troop Builder Pack BR>

Republic Gunship nbsp; (shipping around 10 December)
please note that you are GUARANTEED to get this item from us, well in time for Christmas if you are in the UK or Europe. We can get them earlier, but they are higher in price.....we preferred you to thave the best deal in town !

12" Bounty Hunter wave 2 Zuckuss, Dengar & Imperial Officer
12" Electronic Jango Fett & Obi Wan Kenobi each
Wave 2 Star Tours droids


Imperial Shuttle Tyderium - Arena Playset
There are a lot of other items we did not list, we have a mess to clear ad when we are done (and mailing your orders) we can get it together and provide a more full and accurate list of items available.

Thanks ! r2dtoys