Off Topic - Custom Mr. Eff figure


Dark Lord of the Typos
Absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars. This is my custom Mr. Eff figure. For those not in the know, Mr. Eff is a character from the hilarious comic book Johnny: The Homicidal Maniac. JTHM was created by Jhonen Vasquez back in 1997 or 1998, and is still in print and is available at comic shops or book stores everywhere...either as single issues or the collected TPB contianing the complete series. Jhonen later went on to create Invader Zim....a cartoon that appeared on Nickelodeon.

JTHM follows Johnny, a troubled artist who is plagued by horrific images, including some Pillsbury Doughboy store displays he repainted....which came to life and began tormenting him. Whether they really did come to life or it's all in his head is never confirmed, but it's a darkly hilarious series.

Mr. Eff is one of two doughboy characters (Psycho-Doughboy is the other).

I just took a marker, paint and pens to a figurine and corrupted him until he resembled the comic character. Unfortunately, Sharpie Ultra-Fine tip markers are not actually black...but really dark blue....hence the purple tint to my figure. :( I'm working on remarking it with black pen to hide this.
