Off to the Store

Well guys,

I'm going to one of my local collector stores on December 28th. If anybody wants me to look for anything vintage just post it in here.

This store has a fantastic collection of vintage loose/carded figs (x50), boxed vehicles and playsets. The majority of items are American and Canadian Bilogo. Prices will be quoted in Canadian dollars. If I see something you like, I will give you my best description and set you up directly with the store.

I'll check for posts the morning before I go.
Originally posted by Darth Boru
If you happen across any of the last 17 loose, that'd be great.

I know he has a Barada for $70 Canadian.

When I see what he has and I tell him that these guys wouldn't have found his store anyway, I'm sure he'll cut the prices. If we get enough people wanting something then the Christmas spirit might come out.
Originally posted by Darth Boru
Any chance you could post a list of whats available, or a link to his site, if he has one?

He doesn't have a site and he's french. I asked him about a list because of doing this post and he said he'd get around to one. I'll post this each time I know I'm going in advance.

To give an idea about carded figs he has about 60 or so. Mostly ESB and ROTJ, a couple of POTF and a couple 12-21 backs. I remember:

Darth Vader x2
AT-AT Commander
R2-D2 77back
Leia Poncho x2
Black Bespin
Han Solo (20 back maybe $$$)
....and a bunch of others