Name Game Revisited...


Interstellar Buccaneer
Are you in the OT? No.
Are you EU? Not exclusively.
Are you a character? No.
Are you a group? No.
Are you a race? No.
Are you on Naboo? No.
Are you a vehicle? No.
Are you a weapon? No. Not in the sense of a weapon that inflicts physical damage directly.
Are you a place? In the broad sense, yes.
Are you alive? No.
Are you a droid? No.
Are you mechanical? No.
Did you appear in The Phantom Menace? Yes.
Do you appear on Coruscant?In a manner of speaking.
Is it likely that you will appear in all 3 prequels?It is more than likely, it has been confirmed.
Are you the Imperial Palace?No.
Are you the Jedi High Council? No.
Are You a place on a ship? No.
Are you on the side of the trade federation? No.
Are you the place where they board the vehicle? Yes, but not in such specific terms...


Interstellar Buccaneer
You don't need the DVD for this one. Everyone is just thinking to small. Think Big...


Staff member
Are you Coruscant?

Some of your answers go against this, but then again some of your answers are vague.