More News from BBTS

Darth Aussie

Australian Sith Lord

Here is another quick update from about some new arrivals!«

HASBRO RE-ISSUE STARSCREAM: We have just received a good number of the Hasbro Commemorative Series II Re-Issue of Starscream. A few more of the Japanese verion are also back in stock - both $39.99«

MACROSS: The new Yamato 1/60 VF-1D is now up for pre-order for $74.99.
The 1/48 Scale VF-1A is on sale for $129.99 as we try to move out overstock.«

GUNDAM PRE-ORDER: Bandai has just announced a 1/60 Scale Rick Dom kit.
This kit stands over 12 inches tall and has 20 lights in various places on
the kit. 450+ pieces - Pre-order price is $189.99.«

ROBOTECH: Masterpiece Volume #4 - Max Sterling is now available for pre-order for $79.99.«

STAR WARS: We have received the Trash Compactor sets 1 & 2 as well as the new Clone Trooper Model Kit.«

ARMADA: The original supercons are now in stock - Hot Shot, Cyclonus and Demolisher - $10.99 each. Most other supercons, Optimus, and much more are also in stock!«

GI JOE: The Snake Eyes bust has been restocked - please note this is the un-numbered version.«

WEB DIVER: We have restocked 8 various Web Diver items including Gradion and W-10 Dragon.«

Thanks for your interest in and be sure to check out the new items.«

Joel & The BBTS Crew