More New SW Updates from The Hairy Fairy

Darth Aussie

Australian Sith Lord
Some great new products have been added to the site today. First off finally the last of the Jabba wave, Tanus Spijek has arrived.

New items today as well are:

Gold leader pilot
Tie fighter pilot
General Dodonna
Captain Antilles

We have also restocked the Super Articulated Clone Trooper figure. Coming in the next few weeks is the Skirmish at Carkoon 4 pack and Tie Fighter and pilot.

There has also been a lot of talk about the situation regarding the Sandcrawler over the last week. As it stands now Target in the USA has decided not to offer this item as an exclusive. For us in Europe that means nothing, all USA store exclusives are imported FOB from Asia and it is up to each individual importer/wholesaler to order their own stock in every time.
Today we received our latest product list that contains all our orders for upcoming items and the Sandcrawler is still listed. Until it goes missing from that list we still expect to receive it. If we receive more information we will let you know.

Today is the last day of this month’s comp so have a go and win yourself a Jedi warriors 4 pack.

Remember we will also be attending the New StarCon Convention in Tilburg Holland next weekend, they have some great guests lined up so if you are going drop in and say hi. Always nice to add a face to an email. Check out the website here at

That’s it from us have a great weekend.

The Hairy Fairy
