Jedi Academy - New Details


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New details on Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy showed up today via Raven Software’s message boards.
Taking place one year after the events of Jedi Outcast and fifteen years after Star Wars: A New Hope; players assume the role of a Jedi in training under the careful watch of Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn.
As previously reported, players will be able to create their own characters via an extensive create character mode. To begin with players can choose from a variety of lightsabre hilt and blade colours to craft their very own lightsabre; latter stages within the game will open up the ability to access double-bladed lightsabres and dual lightsabres.
Raven Software appear to have spent a considerable amount of time on the actual character creation aspects; it’s claimed that over 2000 different combinations are currently in place and that your character can be used in both single-player and multiplayer modes.
Raven Software have been working hard on a variety of other enhancements including rag-doll death animations, vehicles, detailed 3D worlds and the integration of Raven’s terrain system.