Jango and Clonetrooper Pilot at R2DToys.com

Darth Aussie

Australian Sith Lord
In VERY small numbers we will receive these pre-release figures. Full details and images will be added to the website today/tomorrow.«
They will cost £20 for a pair, or £12 each when bought separately. It is strictly first come, first served. We will also accept telephone orders.«
The original products we have already listed will remain COMING SOON items, as you know in the weeks to come these figures will be available for general sale at £6 each. So we will add 2 new products at the higher prices for pre-release so you don`t get confused !«
Many thanks to all of our loyal and valued customers for supporting us.«
Lastly, there are 1 or 2 of you that were due a shipping credit, please contact us about this and we can add it to your file so that we may adjust for it in future orders.«

your fast & furious team at r2dtoys !«
