Galactic Battlegrounds


Staff member
I finally got a chance to sit down and play the Galactic Battlegrounds demo. A couple of things:

A) The Age of Empires 2 engine is still very good and it looks as though there have been some welcome improvements to it.

B) The graphics are not the best in the world. AOE2 had better graphics and it's over 2 years old.

C) This is a minor thing, but it's strange seeing a dewback, taun taun, and mynock in the same area/planet.

D) Having an army of sith knights sounds like fun.

I haven't decided if this one is worth getting or not. More testing required. :)


New Recruit
What's with all the hype about this game? Isn't it like force commander? I have that game and I love it, but Battlegrounds just looks like the same thing with worse graphics......


Staff member
I played the demo a few more times and have since decided that it's not worth getting.

I didn't like Force Commander, but maybe I just didn't give it enough of a chance.

(Side Note: The Wolfenstein demo is sehr gut! Definately grabbing that one...)


Staff member
Well, my opinion was based entirely on the demo (that's why I said that I probably didn't give it a far shot). And it's been so long ago now since I played it that I'm a little hazy on all the details.

Basically, I don't recall thinking the graphics were all that hot (much like Battlegrounds) and it seemed like the controls and missions were set up poorly. Don't take this the wrong way though. I think the main reason why I didn't buy it was because my attention was diverted to other games.

Anyway, I'll give you something to flame me for...

I like Star Wars: Rebellion (even today!). I'm not sure, but I think I may be the ONLY person that likes that game.

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New Recruit
Hey that's cool. What about battlegrounds, what turned you off from that one? I've never been too hot about those types of games. I hate to admit it but the main thing that got me interested in Force Commander was the soundtrack! I love the remix! I think I ended up liking the game because it was challenging, even with cheats......


Staff member
Well, crappy graphics aside...

I played AOE2 a LOT. And for those that don't know, Galactic Battlegrounds is based heavily on the AOE2 engine. After playing the demo, I realized that I was tired of that genre of games (for now).

Even though, GB offers a couple of improvements to the AOE2 system...I got tired of playing the game pretty quickly.

This probably has more to do with my frame of mind that the actual quality of the game though. It's been so long since I've played a FPS, and my sniper rifle is feeling pretty good right now!

Anyway, the main reason that I won't be buying Galactic Battlegrounds is because I got bored with the demo. Maybe down the road, I will pick it up in the $5 bin. :scatter:



Well after it took almost a millenium to download the file...

I liked the demo, I dont think it gave the "full" story, though. Im sure the full version of the game will be more like AOE with empire building and stuff...but I think they were hoping we'd see how "action packed" the combat was. There is no hint of the economics or the types of buildings available or anything...and who knows if those were the final graphics. thats the problem with demos....

I'll probably be buying it...Im almost done with Operation Fflashpoint so I'll need something else to keep me off the streets.


New Recruit
Saw it at wal-mart. Thought about it, decided $40 dollars elsewhere would serve me better. I found rogue squadron for $15 dollars on clearance at on-cue. I decided not to get it, and i so dang badly am crunching my feet right now for not doing so.