Attack Of The Clones??


New Recruit
I happened to watch a little bit of Meet The Press this morning on break at work. They mentioned that various news sources have stated that scientists have succesfully cloned human embryos!
I find it funny that twenty plus years ago George Lucas was hinting at this very subject in A New Hope. Now this is actually happening! It makes me wonder who much the Star Wars universe could actually parallel ours in certain ways.
Could there be a Clone War in our future too??



New Recruit
that is amazing how far they come in cloning people and animals
and if the star wars universe paraell I claim my self Emperor!;) :D
just kidding


New Recruit
I saw that on my homepage yesterday. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I thought it was funny that this is happening when the Attack of the Clones hype machine is starting to heat up.