Clone Wars: Gungan General

Tonight was the second half of a two-part episode of Clone Wars with the follow-up to “Dooku Captured”.

Overall, I think it was a good episode and here are some points I’d like to make / question:


They never did answer how Anakin and Obi-Wan got captured. The episode starts off with them in the prison cell with no explanation.
It was actually nice to see Dooku working with Obi-Wan and Anakin. He must have been a really cool Jedi before he turned Dark.
It was sad to see the Senator die especially since he’s been seen in the movies.
The Jar Jar scenes weren’t too bad. I can tell they really are trying to redeem him especially when the Clone made the comment that he’s not as “dumb as he looks”.
I am tired of the Jar Jar saving the day by doing something stupid that leads to something good. That’s getting old already.

So what did you all think?


Jedi apprentice
How they got captured was featured in this week's comics by Katie Cook. The Kowakian monkey lizard put the sleeping drug in the vent and Obi-Wan and Anakin breathed it in.

I actually never thought i'd see the day where Jar Jar would be Smart! His planning and evaluation of the situation in this episode was close to being dead on. Course you had your typical Jar Jar moments, but mixed with a smart Jar Jar it wasn't cringe worthy. I can say i didn't enjoy this episode was much as last weeks. Can't wait for Next week's episode thought! Aayla Secura is in it! Tis the first time i've seen her besides the brief glances in the movies. I know she a big character in the comics, but i haven't gotten to read those yet.

Favorite parts of the episode.

Anakin, Dooku, and Obi-Wan all chained together. Seriously it was like the three stooges. I loved every time they were together. It also gave you an interesting glance into Anakin's and Obi-Wan's personalities. Obi-Wan was more prone to cooperate with Dooku and even saved Dooku's life. Anakin was uncooperative, argumentative, and really didn't care whether Dooku lived or died. Dooku was just Dooku. Is it bad that i was cheering him on as he was killing those pirates. It made it more realistic. It would have been totally against Dooku's personality if he had let them lived.

The Clone Troopers. LOL at them. The commander knew exactly how to manipulate things to get it rolling.

Smart Jar Jar.
As i have already mentioned ^o^

The adult themes
: Murder, torture, wow!


Jedi apprentice
They really do. They're really a nice back story to the new episode. Sometimes the episodes just make more seance because of them.