Hal "the Sham" Wamsley

Pedge Jameson

Falls down for no reason.
What does Hal do when he's not ripping off fans?

Week in the life of Hal Wamsley

1. Becomes really drunk and rewinds and constantly plays the scene he was never in, of shooting R2 and then has drunken daydreams where he is in the scene.
Then talks to himself about his scene while in this stupor.

2. He in the same state, logs onto ebay and emails random users to give him a discount on Jawa merchandise.

3. Calls a cab and ventures to the local dive, where he attempts to use his "Star Wars" angle to pick up women. To no success.

4. Tells the cab driver to pull over as he has to vomit. Cab driver pulls away out of disgust and he has to walk home.

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