The Adventures of Gold Squadron (Fan Fiction)


New Recruit
All right, I am gonna try my hand at fan fiction.If i get decent reviews, i will continue writing, if not, well, I will rip my ego out an stomp on it.

"Dutch, Garven!" Said Commander Vanden Willard rather loudly, as he approached them in the primary hanger bay.

John Vander, commoly known as "Dutch", leader of Gold Squadron, turned from his conversation with Dreis, leader of red squadron, and said "Yes?".

"I need to see both of your squadrons in the breifing room, ASAP." Said commander Willard.

"I wonder what that is about", said Garven to Dutch.

"We'll find out soon", he said as he walked to the briefing room.

General Jan Donnada had a tactical display up, and was conversing in whispers with a few other rebel leaders.

"Quiet!, Quiet" shouted a soldier, ans General Donnada began to speak.

"It has come to out attention, that there is an imperial convoy, running from the imperial supply base, near corellia, to an unknown point in space." The general took a breath and continued, "There have been many convoies running along this supply path recently" he said, as he traced a line from several different supply bases, out to a large area in space."We aren't sure what the convoys are for, but this one is meagerly guarded. 5 freighters, and there only guarding it with Two escort frigates." He looked intently at the two squad leaders.

A Rebel soldier piped up, "We are going to take 9 boarding craft, one for each frieghter, and the other four, will be spares, and, if we are lucky, for one of those escort frigates"

Bob Hudsol, a rebel commander, began "The Y-wings, will go in, and disable the freighters via there ion cannons. Then they will either destroy or diable the two frigatees." He paused, looked at Dreis, and continued"the X-wings will do there best to smash all tie fighters. That will be much easier, if you bomb the hangar bays of the frigates, but, we sincerely doubt that you can take on four squadrons of Tie fighters."

Vanden Willard interuppted,"So, we have also provisoned a squadron of T-wing fighters, and one of Starchasers. They will assist you. Do your best to keep the Y-wings alive, as there ion cannons are invaluble. Man your ships." he ended, and the Squadrons got up, and went to the hangar bay.

This will be continued, in part two.


Visit vacation paradise!
Working on an A

Barney, I'll give you a B for your efforts and vastly improved spelling ( FOR THE MOST PART ).:rolleyes:

The story so far does create a interest as to what will happen next. Good writing takes a lot of practice, so your off to good start, I think.

In the next chapter, remember: who what when where why and how many. But not necessary to be in that exact order. Nice Job!:p


New Recruit
Gold and Red squadron took off together, both at a full twelve ships each, which didn't happen often. They rondevuaed with the boarding craft, and the two sqauads of fighters in orbit over Dantooine.

"This is Gold leader to assult team, do you copy?"

"Bulldog here, over"

"Red here"

"Green Squadron present and accounted for sir" said a preppy pilot smartly"

"Blue, over"

"Hype on my mark" said Dutch, he then marked, and they hyped.

They all popped out of hyperspace Simoultaneously, and met the frigates face first.

"Gold group, cut everything but engines, all pwoer to them!!!" Dutch yelled loudly as he followed his orders.

With the burst of speed, the Y-wings shot forward, shooting there ion cannons at the frigates as they whizzed passed them.

"Red group will take the left frigate, Green, yoru jb is the right, and Blue, you keep them boarding craft alive!!!" Ordered Dreis as he went for the firgate on his left.

Gold group was now migling with the freighters, having the first one disabled already.

Blue group escorted wolf p[ack out and around the frigates, keeping them from being hit by turbolasers as much as possbile.

"Oh Shite!!!" yelled green leader, as two tie squadrons spilled out of the frigate.

Green 2, much older then his commander, and much more experienced, waisted no time, and cut at a diagonal, managing to blow three ties away, b4 they could chnage there recklessy formed echelon right manuver.

A lance of green fire smote Green 3 and four, and 5 and 6 bucked to an up right idagonal, hoping nto to suffer a simialer fate.

Gold Squadron had now disabled 3 freighters, and Wolf Pack began manuvering in.

"Bull dog here, we will take the forward, then move inward, so as not to get in your way gold" said Bull Dog over the radio

"Roger Bull Dog" said Dutch

Blue Squadron slowed, turned, and formed a line abreast formation, then charged the frigate, hoping to aid green.

The Tie fighters quickly changed there tune, going after the T-wings, being the much easier prey.

A sudden lance of fire hit Green one, sending him to the promised land.

"Green 2 here, 5 and 6, follow me" said Green 2, now all too obviously Green leader.

They swung in behind him, forming a triangle

G5 G6

They went after the ties, but another lance of fire sent G5 up in a fiery explosion.

Red leader watched as green squadron, only being half garrisoned to begin with, was decimated,but he had his own problems. The Frigate was actually only equipped with shuttles, but the frigate was turning to cut through the boarding craft and goldilocks like a sandblaster shooting at a soup craker, since the Y-wings and boarding crafts moved slowly.

"Gold, your ramrodding this, you gonna disable , or we gonna blow?" said gold 8, anticipating his leaders question.

"She'll be swimming in blue soon mack" said a Y-wing, shooting out from the entanglement and aproaching the Frigate with two wingmen.

"This is gold seven, pops, tiree, lets aim for the turbolasers first, and then disable the engines, leave everything else opperational"

"Roger" said both Pops and Tiree in unison

Blue lances from the Y-wings spurted out, smacking into the frigate.

Green was gone, not a one of them lived still to draw breath.

Blue, at nine T's was swimming in bolts of fire, breaking in every whcih direction.

A crashing blow from a turbo laser battery send Blue 7 to the promised land.

Blue one and two, still in formation, whizzed straight throught the ties, making sure 5 wouldn't whine through space again.

"Holy,,,!!!!!!!!" yelled blue four, as the nos of his T-wing cllided into the view port of a tie, both of the them exploding.

Suddenly, red bolts streaked from everywhere, shattering ties.

""hey there, red is where?"said red 2

"Its everywhere, its everywhere" said dreis, as red squadron engaged the ties, hoping to save blue squadron.

The freighters were disabbled, and Larry Griffin, Rebel Marine, codenamed buldog, geared up to assult a freighter.

"Sir, Docking manuvers complete, Sir" growled a marine sergeant.

"Disembarkl!!!!" roared Griffin

The door blew open in Brilliant colours, but the marines didn't shoot. Rather, they laughed at what they saw. The imperial naval personal, a 14 man crew in all, where on there knees with there hands on there heads, anticipating the boarding.

" Secure them!" griffin bellowed.

"All right, gold group, lets put that second Nebulon b to sleep" whistled out gold 4, a promising pilot.

Blue arcs of fire reached otu acrossed space, then impacting into the firgate, then more, swarming over it like ants.

Soon, it too was disabled. Now came the fun part. Griffin had three boarding craft per frigate, since he lost none, and it didn't take but half of a boarding craft wortha of personel to man a freighter. He thought to himself "this is where it boils dwon, boarding a frigate. I had better take the shuttle one, cuase those shuttles red deteced may jsut mean a boarding party"

To be continued

Sorry, that totally sucked. I jsut dont type battle scenes out interestingly enough. I meant hat bucking to the right diagoanl looks so cool in my mind, but it jsut dowsn't have zing. I will soon be out of the space battle scene, and the ship boardign part i will try to make EXTRA interesting.


New Recruit
Originally posted by BarneyFife

Redleader watched as green squadron.....

Nice to see I'm in your story!;)

:guns: (Me shooting at the TIES...)

I'm a journalism major and you seem like you have potential.:) I liked the first part but the second was a tad long.


New Recruit
I think i know the problem with the second segment. Too dang many sides. 4 squadrtons is too dang amyn to write about! I hsoulda jsut made it gold squadron. Then i coulda been mroe detailed, and also, about you being in it, Woudl youy prefer to be lebele, garven, dries, red1 or redleader?


New Recruit
His heart pounded. A sudden lurch tne a his knocked him off balance. He regained his composure.

Rebel Marine Commander Griffin cocked his blaster rifle. He was ready to lead the assult. They were gonna use all 6 boaridng craft on one firgate, then the next, in the hopes of overwhelming them.

"Saddle up! Saddle up!" He barked. "Bull dog here, make Palpy reel!"

A heavy explosion blew open the door, and the marines stomred out of the boarding craft. Laser bolts flashed wizzed and popped all over. The imperials had erected a barricade of rubbish across the corridor!

"Blow em!!! Blow em!!!" a corporal shouted. A marine pulled a thermie out and readied it. Lasers whizzed all around as he pitched it. The explosion blew the imperials every which way, and rather effectively destoryed the barricade.

"FOOOOORRRRWARRRDDD!!!!!" Griffin barked.

The rebel marines advanced, but they ran into another paltoon of stormtroopers. The sudden burst of fire cut the forward ranks of the rebels down like a hot knife through butter.
The men were in a sea of blood, they burst forward with all speed, charging the line of imperials like wild wookies

The imperial shots swung across the unit, like a scythe, cutting them down in reaves. The rebels smashed in to the line.

An rebel trooper smashed the heel of his boot into the face of and imperial naval trooper that he had bowled over. Another one took his entrenching tool, a sliced off and imperial officers head at the shoulders.

The marine commander fired three shots, which went wide, then ran, and smahed his body into and imperial navy trooper.
The naval trooper hit the marine commander in the stomach with his fist, which was like a rat trying to knaw through a tree. The marine swung his blaster, butt facing the trooper. The blaster hit the trooper with a defeaning crack squarely in the side of the head.

"Bull dog here, A-team what is your status?"Said the commander into his com link, wanting to check on the status of the other boarding parites.

"I don't know which end is up sir! we have been cut down, there is a rubble pile here, theres 4 of us just barely holding it. I think weve lost everyone else" Said a young ensign obvioulsy scared to death.

" Bull dog, B-team, status"

Dead silence


New Recruit
"C-team, what is your condition" blared the commander
"Taking immense fire sir, were like targets in a shooting gallery" Said a Sergeant over thg of lasers.

"All right you son of a biatch imperial biastards, you got two choices!" Yelled Gold 4 over an open frequency.
"You can eaither surrender or moff tarkin will right yer next o'kin!" he shouted into his speaker.

He let loose two proton torpedoes into the side of one frigate, and turned to begin shooting at the other.

"Unidentified rebel delegate, we accepot your offer" Said an imperial officer.
"us too!" said the captain of the other frigate.

Then and there the battle ended victouriously. Gold 4 thought :will i be court martialed or rewarded?:

The frigates were sent to be repaired, and the supplies were divided between the fleet and the base at Dantooine. The was a short hyperspace flight home,,,

Second Lutenant Burkhardt, I want to see you in my office now! Said Dutch sharply, but not indicated wether or not he was mad.

As he walked into the office, he found Dutch, Griffin and Donnada already occupying it.

"Your actions today were unordered, and, endangered the boarding parties. However, two frigates are in our posession, as well as many lives saved." Said Dutch

"Although what you did was both good and bad, we have decided that a promotion would be in our best interests" said Donnada.

First Lutenant Burkhardt Gave a sharp salute, Uttered thankyou, did an about face and marched out.

Renforra Temporarry Base
John Dutch looked around. Dantooine was a palace compared to this. Cinderblock facilities, with corrugated tin roofs. Hmm, The rebel construction battalion had done a well, quick job on the facilites. They would do however.

"Guess waht!" Tiree said with a cocky grin on his face.
"what?" Said Dutch
"Red Squad is in trouble, they and blue sqaudron did a hit on imperial convoy, blue is out and clear, but red was ambushed. Everyones ready to go just as soon as you are. In fact, yours is already warmed, just hop in." Said Tiree, barely able to keep from luaghing.

They ran into the hangar bay, and the squad took off.

As they popped outa hyperspace, they saw two or so squadrons of Tie Advanced fighters shooting green bursts of fire all over, and X-wings slamming in every whihc direction.

"Gold leader to red leader"
"Goldilocks!" Dreis said
"Cute" said Dutch, almost mockingly.
"we'll just scramble into the mess, if its ok withyou" Said dutch.
"roger mack" Said Red leader.