Ok, need helo with CCG


New Recruit
Ok, i just bought38 ccg crads form ebay, and i now have them. With 100 more, and possibly 15 coming. Unfortuantely, i have no insturctions. Which packets came with instructions?

I sorted them up, and i have NO imperial forces or vehicles.i do however, have Tiree and Gold 2, his Y-wing. But, i only have one other vehicle, a T-16, skyhopper. I have a whole bunch of these interrupt thingies,and a few other human or alien cars, that have power and ability on tyhem. I also have Kashyakk. Anyone want to help me out with isntructions or advce or something?

Vader's Obsession

New Recruit
First, you should find someone to play with. Second, go to here:


These have all the current rules for swccg. I believe the Glossary page is the one you want. Work through this and become familiar with the game play and practice playing it with whoever you find. Don't worry about only having rebel cards, since you have to play with either all rebel or all imperial (they refer to it as Light Side and Dark Side).

You'll have to learn how to build a deck. Go to this page:


they have a bunch of deck designs here, and one of them should fit the cards you have, or you can buy the cards to fit a deck you like.

If you still have trouble, let me know.


New Recruit
I downlodade that glossary thing, it seems to more or less just tell what the cards are worth, what expansion sets or wahtever comew ith instructions?

I looked at the deck designs, then the strategy section. one part had something bout the endor deck. I read through it, and i understand that you need a starting point or and objective. I dont have any objectives it appears, but i think i ahve two starting points. Kashyyyk which is a planet, and yavin 4 breifing room. i ahve a lot of eefects and interuppts.

I noticed that in thupper right hand corner there are black numbrs. Is that the value of the card?

Vader's Obsession

New Recruit
Premiere, Death Star II and Special Edition expansion sets had what are called 'starter decks', which were pre-made decks along with rules. However, if all you want are the rules, go to the page at decipher and they have all of these. The one you want is 'Rulebook Version 2.0'. Read all of this, it has all of the basics. Use the Glossary for reference.


New Recruit
Ok, i finnaly found the rule book. I am readign throught its 14 pages, prolly gonnaa have to read it several times. I thinkl i am beginning to understand the game. Thanks for the help. Do you know of a listing of the rarity of cards, in case i would ever want to sell rares if i had any?

Vader's Obsession

New Recruit
Now that you've read the rules, go to this page:


This takes you through a sample two player game step by step. It should give you a better feel for how the game is played.

As for card lists, go here:


This will have complete lists for every expansion set, along with their rarity. As for selling them, you may want to hang on to them for awhile. E-bay is totally glutted with them, and they rarely sell for what they're worth unless they are particularly hot cards.

have fun