Recent content by strwrs429

  1. S

    5th Anniversary Giveaway #9

    jar jar you were cute in episode 1 but a sith lord? Who wants gungan kebaabs?
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #8

    Stormtrooper clone trooper quinlos vos
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #7

    Join the army and vaporize the enemy with 4 machine guns!
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #6

    a republic commando life size statue!
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #5

    a custom star wars pizza with darth vaders face on it
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #4

    All of the star wars movies ever made shoved into one disc and stuck under his special edition yo yo which he's going to sell to me even though i bought the first edition yesterday :D
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #3

    opening grievouses gut sack i would shove in a couple cough drops and maybe some laughing gas. Boy would he be threatening!
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    5th Anniversary Giveaway #2

    i would pimp out my tie with an anti rebel sign and a hyperdrive. The tie would have gold solar panels and shiny gray trim.
  9. S

    5th Anniversary Giveaway #1

    I would be a black clone commando with commander status trained as an arc with a dc-15 and dc-17 blaster. My visor would be orange and would have a Clone helmet. Chances that would happen is slim but the outcome would be cool.:D